Saturday, February 3, 2018

My 76th Birthday

76 years ago, January 27, 1942  at 12: a.m. a baby girl was born. She grew up being told by her mother. that a girl was never wanted. Her mommy always said until days before she died, that she never wanted to have girls only boys. The little girl grew up, survive her arduous life, hungry for the love of her mommy.   She could not mourn her dead Mother, she gave all her love to her daughter and sons. Her daughters were also very distant from her, and for unkown reasons. One day a beautiful little girl who became  her  sunshine, was born. Then 5 wonderful grandsons were born, who gave her life and a meaning and a will to live. Years after a great-granddaughter, sunshine of her sunshine and a 6th grandson were born. Today they have once again given  her a will to live after she gave up on life before going through surgery. Opening her eyes ,,to see those wonderful sweet grands and great-grands, was the sunshine she needed. Today is not her 76th birthday but her first birthday  in life, next to a wonderful caring husband, and loving grandkids. This is Ruth Minerva’s birthday, my birthday, God bless my grandchildren, once again I live for me, Marco, and them. I know I have more children,  I  love them all, but actions speak better than words, and they have shouted their feelings with their actions!

Listen, not just hear

Parents, take the time to listen,  understand, learn and know your children. Children do the same. No one ever listen to me. They heard, but never listened. Without knowing me everyone drew a conclusion about me, not taking the time to really know, understand who I am, or my  feelings. I tried to  understand, and help, but I was invisible. My life journey has been long, and arduous. Everyone had their conclusions about me without checking the truth. Finally my grandkids grew up, listened, learned, and dug out the truth, never doubting whom I have always been! We have finally communicated, they now know the truth as to who I am and have always been, not by me saying anything, but by their own conclusions to the truth..  Many tried very hard to badmouth me, they  portrayed me as a different person, but the truth always comes out. The oldest remember, now being adults they can speak the truth, about who is and has been. How people tried to envision me as the bad one. They remember  all and have cleared me from all bad  with their younger siblings.
I thank God, for I have always been alone, felt invisible. I am alone no more, for I have my wonderful grandchildren and great-granddaughter. Actions speak louder than words, and my Granddaughter and grandson’s actions  have shouted  with their actions. Now they know who and what I am and have been. Their mothers can no longer portray me as being a bad mother, person.