Monday, September 5, 2011

The hurting "SHE"

Do they realize the hurt? She laughs, She jokes, She looks happy, Will they ever come back? Her fears are, that she or one of them will die having a grudge with her she did not deserve. Her love for them is unconditional, why can’t theirs be the same. It cannot be because of the book, because they have been cruel to her before the book.
The truth hurts and many do not realize things until it is too late. She misses them so much, she has done everything to get them back, even apologized for something she did unintentional, or did not do, finally giving up. The only thing she lived, and sacrificed all for, are now gone. God, she hurts so much, prayers do not seem to work.
The pain in her heart is so fierce that every now and then she feels the blood running down inside her chest, as if a knife was plunged and the blood flows. She then picks herself up, and her inner strength and quest for survival, stop the blood from flowing and the pain stops.
Many times she gets the urge to call them but the fear that they will hurt her again stops her. The dreams she wanted to share with them cannot be shared. Never an acknowledgment that she exists. She hurts and sobs everyday, like a mother sobs and hurts when her children die. Will they ever go to her, will they stop their nonsense and go back to her and love her before she or one of them dies? That my dear readers no one knows, not even me, being psychic can see it. Only God knows let’s pray it will not be to late. She does not deserve what they are doing to her, all she has been is a good mother sacrificing all for her children and grandchildren, but she refuses to be a senile old lady who needs her children to control her.